Cradle to Cradle roadmap
Troldtekt’s approach to Cradle to Cradle took shape when we started work on product certification in 2011. In 2012, our acoustic panels were Cradle to Cradle certified for the first time.

When we started working with Cradle to Cradle, it was clear to us that the design concept was more than a product certification and that a strategic approach was needed to work thoroughly with the principles.
Therefore, we chose to base our business strategy on Cradle to Cradle principles. We have published a strategic roadmap for how we intend to work with improvements in the five Cradle to Cradle categories of criteria up until 2022. Our roadmap was translated into concrete action plans and served for a decade as an ambitious and publicly accessible blueprint for our work with the circular economy.
After Troldtekt became part of Kingspan Group in 2022, we are now working on setting ambitious goals that also support Kingspan’s Planet Passionate programme.
There is much overlap with the Cradle to Cradle principles, and our initial focus is on recertification according to Cradle to Cradle version 4.1 in 2025.
Cradle to Cradle roadmap