Schools & educational buildings

Junior School, Notting Hill & Ealing High School

Kolding School of Design

Cradle to Cradle classroom at Beethoven-Gymnasium

DTU 313, Climate Challenge Laboratory

Lysningen School

Sommerbæk Børnehus og Skole

Dybbøl boarding school


Hallerna School in Stenungsund

Grundschule Karlsfeld

Central Foundation Boys’ School, London

Integrierte Gesamtschule (IGS) Rinteln

New school building, Cugy

Frederiksborg Inner-City School


Jetsmark School Centre

Gymnasium Tellkampfschule


KNUDEN - Kristiansand Cultural School

Mörrum School

Sluseholmen school

Sandarnas Primary School

Frederiksværk School


DTU Building 112

Brandstegen school

Gesamtschule Emmerich

Grundschule am Nordhafen, Berlin

Frelloskolen, Varde, Denmark

The school: a new centre for Lundtofte

Høje Taastrup Børne- og Kulturhus

Schulen am SteinPark, Freising

Horsens Gymnasium

Staatliches Berufliches Schulzentrum Vilshofen

Gl. Lindholm skole

Grundschule Leipzig, Thierschstrasse

Secondary school Murnau

Bath Archway

Neptuniskolan in Malmö

Reventlou School in Kiel

Valdemarsro Gymnasium

Frastanz-Hofen Education Centre

Grundschule am Jungfernsee Potsdam

St. Josef’s comprehensive school

Huseby Skole

Vrå School & Cultural Centre

The school at Islands Brygge

School in Vaterstetten

LIFE Campus

Læringshus Nærheden

Gasverket in Stockholm

Holmegård School

Feldballe Friskole

Espergærde Gymnasium


Gemeinschaftsschule Filderstadt

Snowflake School

DTU building 130

Stadtteilschule Niendorf

Stadtteilschule Lurup

New Aarch


Johan Skytteskolan


Volksschule Schwefel

Primary school Leipzig, Kleinzschocher

Erlev School

Grundschule Haslach

DTU Skylab

University of East Anglia


Primary School Warsaw


Mosaic School

Lessing-Stadtteilschule Hanhoopsfeld


Baking school in Odder

Vestsiden Ungdomsskole

Flesberg Skole

Primary school Berkersheim

Peder Lykke School


Wilhelmsburg District School


Risskov School

Vitskøl Monastery



Grøndals-vængets Skole

Christianshavns School

Limhamn School

Potsdamer Straße primary school


Gymnasium Corveystraße

Ry Højskole

Herningsholm Erhvervsskole


Hafenschule Offenbach

Sønder Omme School

Grundschule Rahewinkel

Brønshøj School

Tradium Randers


Neustadt am Rübenberge

Bedales School of Art and Design

Sundbyøster School

Sønderland School

Aarhus Tech


Skovbakke School

Ilulissat School

Søndervang School

Campus Aabenraa

Kirkebjerg School

Nr. Vium School

Montessori school

Vibenshus School

City Campus Aalborg

UCN Aalborg

Agri College

Aarhus University School of Engineering

Aabybro School

Vestegnen Education Centre

Vigerslev Allé School

Klostermark School

MFA Galder-Strijbeek

UCL Academy Swiss Cottage

SOSU Skejby

SOSU VUC Aalborg

Portsmouth University

Manchester School of Art

Viden Djurs

Fredensborg School

Engskov School

Ellebjerg School

Sølyst School

Cut and Style

VUC Haderslev

AU Moesgaard

Roskilde Cathedral school

Vibeeng School

Tor zur Welt

The Four Dwellings Primary School

Innovation Factory

Bagsvaerd School

Tjørring School

West Cheshire College, UK

Ladelund Boarding School

Primary School Oakmeadow

Ulm Training Academy

City of Westminster College

Atuarfik Hans Lynge School

Grejsdalens School

EASV Esbjerg

Høng School

Dueholm School

Brædstrup School

Vildbjerg School

Tofthøj School

Nørrebro Park School

VUC Sønderborg

Køge Business College

Vallensbæk School

Skolegade School

Frederiksborg High School

Ringkøbing School and Music School

Thy Education Centre

Lisbjerg School


Tonstad School