CSR Policy
Responsibility is at the centre of Troldtekt's business activities. As early as 2010, we joined the UN Global Compact, the world’s largest corporate social responsibility initiative. We are committed to making progress in the areas of the environment, social conditions and governance (ESG).

Troldtekt wants to be a responsible company that works with a passion for both people and the planet. We take a holistic approach to the circular economy and have therefore based our business strategy on the principles of the Cradle to Cradle design concept . As a company, this obliges us to make continuous progress in areas such as Material Health and Product Circularity when developing our acoustic solutions.
To ensure that we live up to our ambition of a high level of responsibility, Troldtekt has laid down its own CSR policy. This CSR policy provides a framework for our activities while supporting Troldtekt as an attractive workplace and business partner. When it says ‘Troldtekt’ or ‘we’ in this CSR policy, it means that the obligations and expectations cover Troldtekt as a company, as well as all its employees, managers, board members etc. who are acting on behalf of Troldtekt.
Our CSR policy is based on the premise that we comply with all applicable legislation, relevant regulations and international conventions. Therefore, it was a natural step to join the UN Global Compact in 2010. By joining the scheme, we have made a commitment to actively promote the UN’s ten principles in the areas of human rights, labour rights, the environment and anti-corruption.
We also want to work with our suppliers to continually promote their corporate social responsibility. All our major suppliers have therefore received and accepted our Supplier Policy, which covers four key areas:
- business integrity
- ethical practices for employment
- anti-bribery and corruption
- environmental responsibility
The Supplier Policy is an extension of our Code of Conduct.
Human rights
We respect international human rights and labour rights as described in the International Bill of Human Rights and in the eight fundamental conventions from the International Labour Organisation. We strive to avoid any negative impacts on human rights and labour rights, and we are committed to handling and ensuring restoration should we become involved in such negative impacts.
We respect the right to privacy of our employees, business partners and customers. We are committed to ensuring responsible design, production and testing of our products, so that they do not cause harm to life or to human safety and health.
We offer a safe and healthy physical and psychological working environment for all employees. We ensure a high level of job satisfaction and a good social environment. We ensure that there are written policies and procedures for occupational health and safety. And we ensure they are complied with.
We ensure good working conditions, and that employees are not subjected to physical punishment, threats of violence or other forms of mental or physical coercion or harassment. Disciplinary sanctions in the form of monetary fines or salary deductions are not allowed. We ensure that our employees have opportunities at work for personal and professional development.
As a minimum, we comply with applicable legislation and collective agreements in our area of activity as regards pay, working hours, breaks, holidays, sickness, maternity and paternity leave, and other terms of employment. We pay salaries in legal tender and not less frequently than once a month.
Labour rights
We reject all direct and indirect forms of forced or compulsory labour. Our employees receive written and comprehensible confirmation of their terms of employment and have the right to freedom of movement in the course of their employment.
We reject both direct and indirect involvement in child labour. If taking on young people aged between 15 and 18, they must not perform dangerous jobs or work at night.
We reject discrimination and strive for equal opportunities for all our current and future employees. We must neither directly nor indirectly discriminate on the basis of race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, age, nationality, disability, social or ethnic background, financial circumstances, sexual orientation, origin or other distinguishing characteristics. Employment, pay, training, dismissal, pension or any other employment-related decisions must be based on relevant and objective criteria. Employees who take maternity/paternity leave must not face dismissal or the threat of dismissal, and must be offered the chance to return to their former job function with the same pay and conditions.
We recognise the right of our employees to freedom of association and collective bargaining. If operating in areas where the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining is curtailed, we ensure that our employees have other ways to organise and engage in collective bargaining.
We establish and maintain procedures to prevent and address any environmental issues and industrial accidents that can affect or harm the surrounding community and environment. We strive to minimise any adverse environmental impacts of our activities, products and services by using environment management systems to:
- reduce the amount of waste and emissions in air, soil and water
- handle chemicals in an environmentally responsible manner
- handle, store and dispose of hazardous waste in an environmentally safe way
- contribute to the recycling and reuse of materials and products
- develop and implement eco-friendly technologies
Basing our business strategy on the Cradle to Cradle principles, we further commit not only to minimise our impact, but also to endeavour to ensure a positive impact. A central part of Cradle to Cradle Certified® product certification is to ensure continuous improvements within the categories of Material Health, Product Circularity, Air & Climate Protection, Water & Soil Stewardship and Social Fairness.
As part of the Kingspan Group, Troldtekt has clear guidelines for anti-corruption: we have zero tolerance for all forms of corruption, bribery or fraud. We do not permit accepting or giving bribes in any form for the purpose of obtaining commercial or personal advantage.
Kingspan's anti-corruption policy includes a list of examples of specific activities we do not tolerate. The list covers everything from false invoices and misleading financial reporting to misuse of customer data and inadequate competitive criteria in connection with the procurement of services.
Nor are Group companies permitted to make contributions to political organisations – or enter into sponsorships for commercial gain. There are also limits on hosting events and on gifts that employees either give or receive.
All managers at Troldtekt have signed the anti-corruption policy and contributed to disseminating it internally so that all employees are aware of it.
When it comes to social responsibility, we want to document our key efforts and results. We therefore present relevant CSR information in our report to the UN Global Compact. The report will also made available on our website.
To ensure transparency and comparability, we report on the basis of the EU’s European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). The standards are part of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).