SDG 3 :Good health and well-being

Sixty per cent of acute respiratory infections in children are caused by ambient environmental factors. This is highlighted by research from the US National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which make the point that we spend as much as 90 per cent of our lives indoors. At home, when travelling, at work or in public buildings.
This makes it crucial to focus on the health of the built environment, and according to the World Health Organization, there is plenty of scope for improvement. In a 2006 study, WHO found that we are primarily exposed to air pollution when we are inside. Children are particularly exposed, as they have a higher breathing volume, and thus breathe in larger volumes of air than adults.

Troldtekt wants to contribute to buildings that do not contain harmful chemicals. Among other things, we do so by documenting the ingredients in our products and having them tested in an indoor climate for particle emissions and degassing.
Thorough content analysis
Troldtekt cement-bonded wood wool is made of Danish wood and cement. As part of our Cradle to Cradle® certification, our products are thoroughly analysed. In practice, this means that we know all the ingredients in our products down to 100 ppm (parts per million). We therefore know that they do not contain any substances that are harmful to people or the environment.
Cradle to Cradle Certified is thorough in its approach, as the certification does not simply operate with ‘does not contain’ lists.
The German consultancy EPEA – Part of Drees & Sommer – is an independent assessor of Troldtekt’s certification.
Opt-out choices as well
Our material health standards also mean that we make opt-out choices in our product development and range. This will typically happen if there is uncertainty about human and environmental health.
For example, we have opted out of the development and sale of products that would require the use of fire retardant chemicals in order to achieve a high enough fire classification for market demand.
Similarly, we have opted not to treat our acoustic panels with the substance titanium dioxide, which might otherwise remove NOx particles from the air.

Healthy indoor climate