Calculate the acoustics in a room

Try Troldtekt's acoustics calculator.

With Troldtekt’s acoustics calculator, you can get a quick overview of the acoustics in a room. 

Enter the dimensions of the room and your chosen materials and the acoustics calculator will generate a user-friendly report with useful facts about room acoustics.

You can use the acoustics calculator to:

  • calculate both the reverberation time and the absorption area for the room
  • select predefined geometrics for your premises - for example ceiling to tilt or horizontal ceiling
  • select from commonly used materials for floors, walls, doors, windows or ceilings
  • enter your own values for other materials used at the premises

Important to know

The acoustics calculator calculates the reverberation time and absorption area using Sabine’s formula. You will not receive recommendations for the placement of sound absorbers, warnings about the risk of echoes between parallel wall surfaces (flutter echo) or similar.