Authentic food in charming surroundings
At Restaurant BÆST in the Nørrebro district of Copenhagen, visitors can choose to sit outdoors in the small paved area at Guldbergsgade, or inside in the smart but down-to-earth restaurant, where the wood-fired pizza occupies a central position.

Here, the pizzas are piping hot, and everything is also made from scratch. At Bæst – or ‘Beast’ – all the raw ingredients are organic, locally sourced and handmade. The hams, sausages and fermented vegetables on display clearly convey that this is a restaurant that is very discerning in the products it uses.
The design of the premises also reveals a very fine balance between the refined and the rustic, and it is that gives the restaurant its charm. The exterior walls are exposed brick with varying red and yellow hues, and the concrete floor is worn where people walk. As a nice contrast, the elongated counter that separates the kitchen from the dining tables has an ornate pattern of tiles, reminiscent of the Mediterranean.
ATM Design, which was behind the interior design of the restaurant, chose to compensate for the hard surfaces with full-length curtains, upholstered chairs and Troldtekt acoustic panels for the ceiling, all of which all contributes to the pleasant acoustics in the restaurant.
The Troldtekt acoustic panels are in the colour natural wood, which beautifully matches the raw walls and their warm shades.