Sensual kitchen in Copenhagen
Hahnemanns Køkken has opened a food emporium in central Copenhagen - a place paying tribute to fresh raw ingredients and the meal experience. The premises are situated at Skt Kjelds Plads, a square which is currently being transformed into a green oasis in the Østerbro district of Copenhagen.

You are immediately bowled over by the multitude of colours, which tickle your curiosity and make you want to explore Hahnemanns Køkken (‘køkken’ is Danish for ‘kitchen’). Magnificent floral stands, hand-picked produce and food and cakes are all on display. The products are presented in a beautifully designed space, where subdued colours are accentuated by the black Troldtekt ceiling and the daylight flooding in through the windows.
The large room has a coffee bar and patisserie, as well as a counter selling salads, take-aways and food products. The food and cakes can be consumed in the shop or out in the square. The address is also home to a cookery school and a room for larger events and talks. With large window sections between the kitchen where the food is prepared and the shop, customers and diners have a clear view of what’s happening in the kitchen.
To England and home again
Trine Hahnemann, who owns the establishment, is a chef and cookbook writer. Her career has taken her all over the world, but her books and skills have been particularly popular in the UK. Trine Hahnemann’s focus is on sustainability in the production of food and fresh raw ingredients, and she has missed not having somewhere to offer good and sociable meals as well as a shop selling her own bread, salads and books.
The large premises have been decorated and furnished by a UK firm of interior designers, which has created an international flavour of Scandinavian food traditions, sustainability and not least hygge. Black Troldtekt panels on the ceiling ensure good acoustics for customers and diners, but the black colour also conceals the technical installations. Wood on the floor and counters are strong natural elements, while the soft colours exude the same hygge as Trine Hahnemann’s books.