The law firm of HjulmandKaptain employs 125 people, including 48 lawyers. In April 2011, it was decided to move the Hjørring office from the town centre into a new building.

The construction of the new office was an important strategic decision for the company – an initiative with a focus on having a growing presence in the Hjørring area for years to come. The company also has offices in Aalborg, Aarhus, Frederikshavn and Sæby.
The office was built by turnkey contractor A. Enggaard A/S with design and layout managed by architect MAA Henrik Nørgaard, from the architectural firm of Finn Østergaard A/S and Brix & Kamp A/S as consulting engineers.
Architect Henrik Nørgaard explains the concept:
“The HjulmandKaptain offices should be regarded as having two different zones. On arrival, you step into an indoor ”external” room with quarry tiles on the floor, bare concrete walls and a ceiling on which rustic Troldtekt acoustic panels have been installed. This area also features a wall of water tumbling into a large pool over which the staircase rises to the first floor. Here, you enter the offices which have a traditional design of wooden floors, white walls and evenly plastered ceilings.”
“In this way, the building presents an interplay between the rustic and the refined. Troldtekt was chosen because the textured surface of the panels helps create acoustics which are totally free of reverberation and echo. The combination of pouring water and great acoustics has created a very pleasant environment which has been highly praised by the employees.”