United Exhibits HQ
The United Exhibits Group develops, produces and distributes exhibits and has the entire world as its workplace.

The company is run by Teit Ritzau, who has also been one of the driving forces behind the Utzon building. Now, the entire company – administration and development departments and production and assembly facilities – is gathered in one building near by the harbour.
The building complex has a rough outer appearance that differs from the other buildings by Kim Utzon on the waterfront. The exterior walls are in light, untreated custom-fabricated concrete. The main building comprises two pylon-shaped towers supporting the four-storey office building and is topped by a circular lantern with 12 facets corresponding to the points of the compass. Directly off the administration area is the production hall, with a roof-top terrace and two residential pavilions.
The United Exhibits Group building is the first of four corporate headquarters to be built in an area around a canal that has not yet been dug out. The foundation stone is said to come from the Pyramid of Cheops, and the building clearly alludes to ancient Egyptian architecture.