Troldtekt contributes to a world in harmony
Troldtekt has been working strategically with sustainability for more than a decade. Sustainability is at the heart of our business as well as our products. This has resulted in several specific initiatives and certifications which guarantee that sustainability has been a key focus area in the development and manufacture of our ceilings etc. – and that we have the documentation to prove it.

Buildings account for approx. 30 per cent of Denmark’s resource and energy consumption, and approx. 30 per cent of CO₂ emissions. Unfortunately, it is not possible to address these challenges simply by minimising the quantities of building materials that are being used. What we need are building materials that make a positive contribution by creating value in new cycles at the end of their useful life, and which also ensure that buildings are healthy places to live and work.
Troldtekt acoustic panels are made from Danish wood from responsibly managed forestry operations and cement extracted from Danish mineral resources. At Troldtekt’s own factory, approx. 98 per cent of the energy consumed comes from renewable sources. Cut-offs etc. from the production of Troldtekt cement-bonded wood wool panels are recycled, for example, as a raw material in new cement – and can also be included in the natural cycle as a soil conditioner.

Products for a circular economy
Since 2012, Troldtekt’s business strategy has been based on the internationally recognised Cradle to Cradle design concept. The vision behind Cradle to Cradle is a world in which manufacturers design their products for the circular economy – in other words where the materials can be reintroduced in new cycles.
The entire range of Troldtekt cement-bonded wood wool products, both in natural wood/natural grey and painted in our standard colours white, black and grey, has achieved Cradle to Cradle certification at Gold level. In practice, the certification is proof that Troldtekt works systematically with material health, reutilisation, renewable energy, water stewardship and social responsibility.
To obtain the certification, all the ingredients in the acoustic panels have been analysed right down to 100 ppm. Analyses have shown that our panels do not contain any substances that are harmful to humans or the environment. This is why Troldtekt acoustic panels can safely be returned to the biological cycle – and form part of the technical cycle as a raw material in new cement.

New cement type with reduced carbon footprint
Troldtekt has developed a Cradle to Cradle-certified acoustic panel in which the cement has been replaced with the new reduced carbon cement type FUTURECEMTM. FUTURECEM is a patented type of cement from Aalborg Portland which exploits the synergies between calcined clay and limestone filler. This means that much of the fired clinker in the cement can be replaced, resulting in a 30 per cent lower carbon footprint.
Troldtekt acoustic panels based on FUTURECEM have carbon footprints that – depending on the product variant – are 26 and 38 per cent lower, respectively, than those of Troldtekt based on grey and white cement, measured throughout the entire life cycle of the panels.
Wood from responsible forestry
The wood used in Troldtekt acoustic panels is Norway spruce from local forests. Danish timber is a renewable resource, as more is planted than is logged.
In our production of Troldtekt acoustic panels, we use only certified wood (FSC®C115450 and PEFC/09-31-030). As a customer, you can choose whether you want your Troldtekt acoustic panels to be FSC or PEFC-certified. Both are international certification schemes that set certain standards with regard to biodiversity, working conditions and the conservation of forest areas.
Focus on four SDGs
UN member countries have adopted 17 common goals to ensure that the climate and economies worldwide are both sustainable and balanced. At Troldtekt, we focus on the four UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) where it is deemed the company can make the biggest difference:
SDG 3 – Good health and well-being: Troldtekt acoustic panels contribute to a healthy indoor climate in buildings. The panels are documented as being free from harmful substances and are certified according to the strictest categories from Danish Indoor Climate Labelling.
SDG 12 – Responsible use and production: Troldtekt has invested massively in energy-efficient and green technology at its factory in Denmark. The electricity used in production comes from wind energy, and heat for the drying process, among other things, comes from biofuel.
SDG 15 – Life on land: All the wood in Troldtekt acoustic panels is certified wood from Danish forests, and meets strict requirements regarding biodiversity and the conservation of certain forest areas.
SDG 17 – Partnerships for the goals: In Denmark, Germany and Sweden, Troldtekt supports NGOs working to advance the circular economy. In partnership with FSC Denmark, Troldtekt has participated in initiatives to ensure more certified forests in Denmark.