

Troldtekt A/S becomes part of Kingspan Group: Common vision of growth and sustainability journey

Troldtekt A/S, the Danish producer of acoustic panels made from wood and cement, becomes a part of the Irish Kingspan Group. Thus, Troldtekt joins a global group that shares the vision of a sustainable construction industry. The new ownership will prepare the company for continued international growth – with a significant production expansion in Denmark.

Troldtekt A/S is searching the market for a new owner / partner

There is a great demand for documented sustainable acoustic solutions in building projects. That is the experience at Troldtekt A/S, and the owner family behind the company now wants to find a new partner/owner, who can help realize Troldtekt’s growth potential both nationally and internationally. The process of finding a new partner/owner is underway.
New online feature from Troldtekt A/S offers inspiration from schools that meet the needs for a healthy indoor climate and effective learning in 2021. Photo: Stadtteilschule Lurup in Hamburg, Germany, ©David Matthiesen. 

Better schools in the wake of corona

The corona pandemic has impacted children’s schooling badly. However, the pandemic may also prove a golden opportunity to modernise schools. Read more in a new online feature from Troldtekt A/S. The feature offers inspiration from schools that meet the needs for a healthy indoor climate and effective learning in 2021.

CSR report 2020

Almost 100 per cent renewable energy at Troldtekt’s own factory. A total of 97.7 per cent of the energy used to manufacture Troldtekt acoustic panels now comes from renewable sources. Energy consumption per square metre produced has been reduced by 28.6 per cent in three years. Both figures are in line with the company’s Cradle to Cradle strategy, for which it received the DI Prize 2020.

How healing architecture finds its way into psychiatry

Light, air, acoustics and spatial organisation. Architectural ideas are being applied in support of treatment, not least in new psychiatric facilities. A new online series of articles from Troldtekt A/S focuses on visions and practices, opportunities and pitfalls within healing architecture.
Swimming pool in Gensingen, Germany, ©Engineer Dipl.-Ing. Olaf Wiechers, architect.

See trends in swimming centres of the future

Swimming and water exercise are popular activities among all ages and at all skill levels – and many old centres are being renovated and new ones built. In a new online feature, Troldtekt A/S is bringing together knowledge, trends and examples that can help guide the design of swimming centres in 2021.

Troldtekt GmbH expands and opens Hamburg showroom

There is a huge demand for sustainable solutions that can ensure a healthy indoor climate in a building. This is highly evident at Troldtekt GmbH in Hamburg, which is a subsidiary of the Danish manufacturer of Troldtekt® acoustic panels. Troldtekt GmbH has just inaugurated a new office and showroom in the creative Altona district. The target group is primarily architects.

Troldtekt A/S wins the DI Award for green transformation

A panel of experts chose Troldtekt as the winner of the prestigious DI Award 2020 in a strong field that also included FLSmidth and Berendsen. Troldtekt has received the DI Award for increasing its competitiveness through an ambitious green transformation based on the Cradle to Cradle concept.
A meaningful combination of function and design. Link between urban life and buildings. Art on ceilings and walls. In a new online feature, Troldtekt A/S takes a look at the concept of architectural beauty – with the help of experts. Read, among other things, about the importance of aesthetics in leading certification schemes for sustainable building. ©Helene Høyer Mikkelsen.

The architectural beauty is measurable | Troldtekt THEME

Read about architectural beauty for greater well-being, how sustainability shapes the design of our time, the DGNB Diamant, and award-winning design solutions.
Although sustainable building is on the rise, large quantities of the harmful substances in building materials still manage to slip through into new and refurbished buildings. In a new online theme from Troldtekt A/S, experts present their views on material health and indoor climate – and possible solutions to the challenges. ©Kirstine Mengel.

Making building projects healthy and circular

Although sustainable building is on the rise, large quantities of the harmful substances in building materials still manage to slip through into new and refurbished buildings. In a new online theme from Troldtekt A/S, experts present their views on material health and indoor climate – and possible solutions to the challenges.